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OnePay is an unattended e-wallet application based on Solana Blockchain technology. When you create an account, private information such as your passphrase and private key is encrypted and stored on your device and not on OnePay's servers. Decentralized applications (Dapps) cannot know your private key because e-wallets do not share private keys to avoid security problems even though when connecting to Dapp applications you must sign it. get access. Reading this far, many people may wonder what the private key is used for. Any operation that has the ability to write data to the Blockchain network is called a transaction. Each transaction must be signed with the private key before it can be transferred to the Blockhian network, and how to sign it is a pre-designed application, users only need to follow the required operations to complete a transaction. Translate. For operations that read data from Blockchian such as viewing the number of Sol or existing tokens in the account, it is not necessary to sign it, so it is reading, not writing. Revealing your private key is dangerous to your account, of course it is because when someone knowledgeable about Blockchain knows your private key they will use it to sign transactions and Sol in your wallet will be deducted. It's like forging a signature to withdraw money in a bank. So how to secure the private key. Really you don't need to do anything because it's all stored in e-wallet applications, what you need to keep absolutely secret are the phrases used to recover the wallet. Only you are the holder of those phrases.