About Anti-fake
- This is a tool that uses Blockchain Solana to generate product verification codes and prevent product tampering.
- In terms of the operating principle of the application. When a product seller wants to use the Anti-Fake tool, they will create a product in the form of NFT Token for each product. Next, they use the Anti-Fake tool to create an Anti-Counterfeit code (ACC) to print out and paste into each product before transferring the product to the customer.
- For people who create products in the form of NFT Tokens or who are holding that NFT Token, they can check many times. But with other wallet addresses they can only check once. The next time the tool will issue a warning.
- For customers who buy the product, when receiving the product, they will use the Qrcode decoding tools to go to the decoding function of Anti-Fake. There they can view product information in the form of NFT tokens and check the Anti-Counterfeit code (ACC). Anti-Counterfeit code is valid only on first test. The following times will no longer be valid.
==> About Anti-Fake
==> Create Anti-Fake